Monday, February 22, 2010

Nak kongsi cerita

Assalamualaikum dan Salam sejahtera semua.

Saya cuma nak kongsi cerita dan minta pendapat dari kawan-kawan tentang satu isu ini. bagi saya, ianya agak serius.

Seorang pelajar telah menggunakan handphone semasa gurunya mengajar dan merakamkan perjalanan P & P guru tanpa disedari oleh gurunya. Beliau kemudiannya telah upload video itu ke facebook. Kawan-kawan termasuklah bekas pelajar telah menggalakkan beliau upload.

Selepas upload, mereka telah mengutuk guru ini beramai-ramai di facebook. Komen-komen itu langsung tidak berkaitan dengan P & p. Ada yang sanggup menggelarkan guru ini dengan perkataan ' Bitch '. Antara isi kutukan adalah berkenaan guru ini mengandung, suka pakai pakaian match dgn tudung dan handbag.

Pelajar-pelajar tersebut telah dikenakan tindakan gantung sekolah dan telah membuat pengakuan umum. Semua yang terlibat adalah perempuan.....

Pelajar-pelajar yang masih sekolah itu telah dikenakan tindakan. Tapi macamana pula yang sudah habis sekolah ? Pelajar yang bakal mendapatkan result SPM : mungkin boleh digantung resultnya hingga dia meminta maaf. Macamana pula yang dah tak ada kaitan dengan sekolah lagi ( pindah sekolah atau dah kerja atau di IPT ) ?

Apa komen anda?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Solar system of SMK(P) Sri Aman

It was our “Curriculum Week”, all kinds of activities were carried out. One of it is to introduce our solar system where we are actually the first school in Malaysia with solar system. The following pictures explain how it was done.

A form 4 class was brought to a laboratory to show a power point presentation about the history of building solar system, how it converts solar energy to electrical energy, how much of energy can be generated, etc.

The Penolong Kanan Ko-kurikulum was invited to officiate “Unit Solar” of Curriculum week

The Penolong Kanan Ko-kurikulum sat with the girls to view the power point

The girls are paying full attention to the power point presentation because they were to answer some quiz questions about the solar system. Prizes are given to the winners

This is one of the slides which shows how is solar energy converted into electrical energy

The head of Maths and Science Department is showing the PK Kokurikulum how much of electrical energy is generated (from the meter)

A closed look of the solar cells

She explains : “those are solar cells”

She explains the flow chart of generation of electrical energy from solar energy to give them an overall picture

This was an interesting and a knowledgeable activity done in my school, SMK(P) Sri Aman last year.